Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I bet you didn't realize that desks can be a huge part of your life. My life has changed significantly in the last 5 days, and yet one common denominator remains. I'm sure you have guessed it as I have already mentioned it. That is correct, the desk.

One type of desk can bring incredible stress, while the other leaves you drumming your fingers with your chin in the palm of your other hand, with a sudden onset of stress with the busyness of the season. Both not horrible situations, just very different with their own joys & stresses. Each begins with a slight excited expectation of needing something new, and end with excited enthusiasm to switch up routine.

In comparison they sound very much the same. And yet they are still so very very different. The one desk is smaller, fitting a laptop and printer, scattered with graded papers and unfinished assignments, while the other is big and stationary, full of business papers, a laptop, and messages for others. Each have their own purpose. Each are necessary for life to move forward. One brings in a pay cheque to survive, while the other sees many cheques outgoing, but is necessary for the future to survive, or aleast the future full of interest and pathos.

I need prayer to get through both...I love both for a time. Pray that I find the strength to find joy and blessing in both situations.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Times To Remember

Today is one of those days that everyone dreads, and yet, leaves a bitter sweet taste in one's heart. Today I said good-bye to my best friend as she packed up her life, and has moved back home where God is calling her. I have known this day was coming for over a year now, yet it still seems like time was stolen from us. We have lived with each other on and off for 3 years, and have had many adventures, highs, lows, silliness (that my fiance can hardly be in the same room for), and heartache we have shared together.
It was hard to let her go knowing that this truly was the last time that I would get to live with Sarah. As God has taken me to the path of matrimony. I will have a permanent roommate come July and I would not change that for the world, but the consiquences of such decisions still are hard to accept.
It always seemed that no matter how rough life was or where those silly adventures were, Sarah was there with me. I realize that yes, we have only known each other 3 years, but we have become close friends and even sisters in that short time.
My adventures with Sarah have not ended, but I know they will not be as many.
This bitter sweet feeling is due to the good-byes I had to say today, know that I would not be in such close quarters for an extended time as we have shared before, but I still have a friend who I can love, and be loved in return that will last a lifetime.

Friday, February 02, 2007

learning to put pictures on!!!!

YAY Handsome Devil EH!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Vacuum Excitement!

Something very exciting has happened in life recently...You may be wondering just what that excitement is! Is it a new car, is it a new puppie, maybe I got a tattoo, is it a new house? All good guesses, but no. A new car would be nice, but mine will last many more kilometers, a new puppie just doesn't interest me, don't worry Grandma it's not a tattoo and definitely not a new house! So what is it? Well, it's a new Vacuum! In fact it's my very own, very first vacuum! I must admit that I got very giddy when I brought home Betty I couldn't wait to put it together and try it out! She is a good vacuum! Made our floor look much better than the whole time I've lived here (our other vacuums just didn't match Betty!) What a wonderful day it was having Betty in the house! Great quality for only $94!!!!!! If I knew how to put photos on here I would let you all see how beautiful of a hover it is!! (Hover (British) = Vacuum (North American)).
I hope one day all of you can have a gem like Betty! ;)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Planning Holy Matrimony

Weddings! Fun: yes! Easy to plan----NO. Actually, I am really excited about getting married. My husband-to-be is such a sweetheart that loves me for me and fits me and my personality almost to a T! We definitely have our moments of stubborn frustration, but we work through them and communicate like never have I had in a relationship before! He is a blessing foresure!
We've only been engaged for almost two weeks, (which I still can't wrap my head around sometimes!) but already we have been getting things rolling. I even went dress shopping two days ago, that was odd. I still feel 16 most of the time, and all of the sudden I"m a trying on beautiful and some ugly dresses! It seems odd and exciting all at once! We are having a hard time thinking of where the wedding will be! The one place we both really would love to have it just is not feasible, mainly because if the weather isn't anything but perfect it will be very miserable for the guests. However, we are both in the mindset that the place does not make the wedding, we do! As long as he is there and my family and friends, I will be happy and have an amazing time!
So with only 7.5 months to go (Seems so far away) we have a lot to do! But I'm looking forward to making that day our's!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Here We Go

So I am exactly 24 minutes before I head for my first exam of three today. Thankfully, my only three. I have studied hard and am looking forward to having them all done and behind me. Nervous? Much... More confindent than 3 days ago? Yes... So it looks like something is looking up! If you read t;his today, December 14, 2006, please remember to pray for me at 9 am -11 am; 2 pm - 4 pm; and 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm!
only 12 hours stand in my way of the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

If Only I Didn't Care

I'm sitting in the computer lab, waiting for my final class of the semester to start, when I find myself completely and utterly overwhelmed. I see the future and it seems so far away, all I can think about it my next week, my next week of stress, little sleep and unassurance of my success. All I want to do is be done with school and doing what my heart yearns for, to be working in youth ministry molding the minds of our future generation. Yet I cannot get there without the tools and knowledge in how to do that effectively. It seems like a cycle that there is no way out of. I was sitting in my last class praying that God would somehow show me the fast track and yet still receive the knowledge I would get through a degree. I'm not sure how I will make it through this. Maybe it's because I'm overwhelmed, maybe it's me being lazy and not wanting to do the work, maybe it's me not always seeing the complete importance of this time, but all I know is that God is silent...meaning, He has me here to finish. I want to cry. I want to sit down and forget that exams start next week. I just want to be done. Only 5ish more semesters. ONLY. It still seems like a long time.