Thursday, January 04, 2007

Planning Holy Matrimony

Weddings! Fun: yes! Easy to plan----NO. Actually, I am really excited about getting married. My husband-to-be is such a sweetheart that loves me for me and fits me and my personality almost to a T! We definitely have our moments of stubborn frustration, but we work through them and communicate like never have I had in a relationship before! He is a blessing foresure!
We've only been engaged for almost two weeks, (which I still can't wrap my head around sometimes!) but already we have been getting things rolling. I even went dress shopping two days ago, that was odd. I still feel 16 most of the time, and all of the sudden I"m a trying on beautiful and some ugly dresses! It seems odd and exciting all at once! We are having a hard time thinking of where the wedding will be! The one place we both really would love to have it just is not feasible, mainly because if the weather isn't anything but perfect it will be very miserable for the guests. However, we are both in the mindset that the place does not make the wedding, we do! As long as he is there and my family and friends, I will be happy and have an amazing time!
So with only 7.5 months to go (Seems so far away) we have a lot to do! But I'm looking forward to making that day our's!


At 1/09/2007 1:57 p.m., Blogger Courtney said...

Hey Jared and I decided to w rvvvvvvvvvv write you a note! Hence all the random letters that are going to be in this note! I'm glad you enjoyed dress shopping! It can be fun eh! Did you set a date... you wrote only 7.5 months so I'm guessing you might know when You might Have it. Wow Jared even pushed the shift key for those "you" and "have" he is being so helpful in typing this letter.
? bn nu gvy I think he wrote he knows you are groovy! :) He he b nb nh n h d Now he is on to bigger and more exciting things like the computer mouse! Anyway
I'd love to hear updates! Keep me posted.

Courtney and Jared

At 1/13/2007 11:37 a.m., Blogger Sgt. Gravo John said...

Hey, why don't you drop that other guy and get married to me!!! Oh wait, you are. Good thing. Although I was thinking "to a T" none of this "almost" stuff. Ok, enough. I love you. Look forward to the next 7 or so months. (and the next 50 or so years.



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