Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I have discovered the world of spies, or atleast sneaking about!!!! On Sunday night a bunch of us decided it would be fun to go for a late night walk, b/c the stars were so amazing and we could even see the northern lights. You would think it would be easy enough to just go for a walk right. Wrong! it was after lock-up so we were all supposed to be in our beds. So we escaped to the tower and down the fire escape, then proceeded to run across the lawn! It was so much fun! And muchly needed. Well, It's not a lot of news, yet I thought it would be fun to share my story of intrigue!!!!!!!!


At 10/11/2008 10:08 p.m., Blogger Rickahyatt said...

Because I have been since young central to an inheritance rights case (Never received a penny of it YET!) that would have otherwise shaken the capitalist world (The doc's get unsealed in the Phoenix Federal Court System Columbus Day, the 13th, so watch out!), I first met now legendary Spymaster Markus Wolf when I was only 5 years old, in Augsberg, Germany.
He had agent handler control over my Commie mother, and as such I found myself ushered into US Army Military Intelligence right out of high school, and "Turned."
I was then used to lure him and several very interesting others out, who were then caught red-handed in 1977 and also counter-run. To include a still-active assassination team (Unknowingly to them) that should be stopped!
The proof that Markus Wolf, Erich Mielke, and Dr. Aribert Heim (The trainer of this team) subsequently worked for and were protected by, the CIA, as did Rainer Rupp ("Topas," his wife "Tourquoise," the NATO economist Spy) and others are in the photographs and documents that I have kept from the era, and are now on my website, http://www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com
I guess it's an amusing thing to hereby document that we knew the Berlin Wall was "Coming Down" even back then, and otherwise pretty much helped Wolf attain his own personal goals of a peaceful reunification of Germany.
When I worked with him in '77, I thought him to be quite a nice guy, actually, and an astute professional in the craft. (Although he obviously didn't like getting caught.)
Being of German heritage, I, too, am quite happy at that peaceful reunification and avoidance of another war.
It's also nice to be able to reveal, now, that Rainer Rupp was deliberately "Kicked Upstairs" to his vaunted Economist role at NATO for in that he passed over so much Disinformation (I gave it to him, I should know). That translates into in that, the current WALMART $ War upon the US is bad, but not as bad as the enemy thought it would be at this current critical juncture of our major elections.
Do me a favor, and help me get my website out there in Europe, would you? I'd appreciate it a lot.
And, also would I appreciate your feedback at rickahyatt@gmail com. I'd especially appreciate being contacted by the WGIS Intelligence Officers over there I knew from the period that might read this, or be told of it.
How can I know of all this? For in that I, myself, was to be the third of Wolf's trilogy, "Sapphire."
How I wish I could be "Schutlen und singen mit Brathendlen und Beir auf dem Wiessen!" Diesemal wieder noch.


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